On Epigraphs

On the first page of Silver and Salt there’s an epigraph taken from Browning. My novel began a long time ago, with a short story called the Glass-Bottomed Boat. When I wrote that story (a comic tale about a family holiday in Greece) I had no idea it would one day lose its comic thread,…

My Vintage Classics Longlist

To mark the forthcoming 10th anniversary of the relaunch of Vintage Classics, Vintage invited each of its authors to select their 5 favourite books from the catalogue.  The wonderful promise made in return was: ‘Whenever you press your copy into a friend’s hands or find it has wandered off your shelf onto someone else’s, let…


This is my first post. I’ll give you something different every time; today it’s the object that has hung above my desk since 2008.  When someone asks me what it is, I’m surprised by the question.  To me, it’s perfectly obvious. In a house-move, one of the feathers (the fluffy white one) was damaged.  I…